The medical community to help resolve this skin dilemma presents various acne medications and therapeutic methods. Formulation of various medications and solutions are being studied cautiously to finally come up with the most effective acne treatment. But the question is, which among these medications is or are really effective acne treatments? Here's a rundown of the various acne treatments that claim to be successful in dealing with the troubles of acne according to the type or severity of acne:
TIP! Buying an oil-free, dermatologist-approved moisturizer is essential for reducing acne. With the right oil-free moisturizer you can experience smooth skin without the side effect of additional acne.
Depending on the skin type of the person, a doctor will prescribe the appropriate effective acne treatment. For instance, if one is with an oily skin, creams and lotions will not be advised since they are oil-based medications.
Gels and solutions will suit more the oily skin since they are usually alcohol-based and tend to dry the skin. These medications are often subject to testing first before one could really consider them as effective acne treatments for their skin problem. As a case-by-case basis, side effects from topical medicines may surface. These side effects may include rashes, stinging, redness, burning, scaling and discoloration. Moderate to severe acne. Those with oily skin and used to have mild acne (often in their late teens or early twenties) may worsen into a moderate condition of acne.
Moderate severity is often characterized with the presence of more whiteheads and redness on the affected spots due to the vessels rupture. Severe acne is when acne has already reached the entire face, back and neck of the person. Usually severe acne conditions translate to bigger spots. This kind of acne is often treated with oral antibiotics. Oral means taking them by mouth. These effective acne treatments work by curbing the reproduction of bacteria and reducing inflammation.
With dealing with moderate to severe acne conditions, a combination of prescription topical medications and oral acne medications may be combined. Some topical medications like sulphur drug preparations are considered extremely effective acne treatments. Sulphur has a peeling effect on the skin, thus loosens it and dislodges the blackheads from the pores. Sulphur, as an effective acne treatment, has no known major side effects.
But still, it is always advised to test any medication before applying or taking them. Samples of effective acne treatments in the form of oral antibiotics are tetracycline, minocycline, isotretinoin, doxicycline and erythromycin. Most of these effective acne treatments taken orally are hazardous to a pregnant woman's and her child's health. Only erythromycin is reported to be safe to use for those who are either expecting a baby or breastfeeding.
So there you have it ... now that you are armed with this information you can do something to treat your acne condition. Why not visit Acne No More System today. Nothing on the internet or even in book stores can compare to what you’re about to get your hands on.
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